Landscape Perennials for Spring Blooms

My favorite Spring blooming plants from March & April include a few old favorites, and some new plants. I work at Cofer’s now, and I haven’t had much time to write, but will soon. My next post will be about the fifth year of raised bed garden planting-which I finally got done this past week.

Early March Bulbs sleep all winter & then awaken to Spring Sunshine

Late March-Early April Shrubs, Perennials, & Vines

mid April

late April After studying her reflection Nature improves upon her artwork

Wow! So much happens in the garden in those few months.

The blooming is over now, but the plants live on growing & storing energy for more blooms.

Southern Flowering Dogwood


I am blessed with many Dogwood Trees scattered throughout my woods. It’s hard to capture with the camera the delight of the white peeking through the bursting spring green. A baby pink one in the backyard bloomed beautifully, but no pink petals for two years now. These trees are a joy to behold in all seasons and their snowy white “petals” are amazing.

The UGA Extension offers a useful online publication about

Growing Dogwoods in Georgia.